I’m sure that this won’t be the first time that I mention this, but I really love vintage and antique stuff. There’s this old antiques shop about twenty minutes away from me, and I will definitely stop by some time. That being said, I really want to try and incorporate that into my personal style of my photographs. I’m a huge fan of vignetting images to make the edges look more faded and to draw attention to the subject in the frame. I’ve also discovered split toning, and it is amazing. You’re able to achieve so much that you wouldn’t be able to have in a regular camera–unless it’s an old Polaroid.

Unfortunately, I don’t have one of my own, so I have to cheat a little bit in post. But it’s worth it.

Below are some of my favorite images that I’ve taken throughout the semester in my COMM 316 class–Professional Imaging. I’ve learned so much in this class and I’ve met some of the best people who share the same passions as me. So thank you to my friends in that class and my wonderful professor, Caryn Esplin, for teaching me so much about photography and solidifying my love for it.

Anyway, enjoy this miniature portfolio of some of my favorite work I’ve done over the semester!










Thank you COMM 316 for everything! I’ll miss everyone in that class, and for all of you guys who might be reading this:

Happy Photographing!