Sometimes we don’t realize that buildings have personality.

Architecture photography is beautiful. Buildings and architecture hold a lot of history, and they have their own personalities. One thing that I love about Rexburg is that it is filled with old buildings. Main Street is old buildings with modern stores–some still have paint on them from signs saying what they used to be. Architecture doesn’t have to be just a simple square, brick building. A lot of thought gets put into architecture, and I think that photographers should capture their design.


This is probably my favorite picture I took for this post. I love the industrial feel to the old buildings. You can see the rust and wear on the side of the white building, and the silo has great texture. Birds were flying all around the buildings, and I was able to capture a few mid-flight. The sky was also this beautiful steel gray that really enhanced the mood of the photograph.

The bottom two photographs are HDR shots of the Rexburg Tabernacle. I had always seen this building in passing, but I had never really gotten a closer look before. I love the rough, gray stone of the building, and the HDR shot helped bring out the orange of the small leaves on the tree and the texture in the rock.


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I had no idea there was a small park just behind the Tabernacle too! It was really quiet and peaceful. It was a happy accident that I found it.


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I’d love to get more into photographing architecture. Sometimes we don’t really think about the time and effort it takes to designing beautiful buildings, and I think that photographing it can help us appreciate it more.

Here’s an article about architecture photography if you want to learn a bit more about it, and maybe get some ideas of your own.

Happy Photographing!