Symphony Bar Pitch Book

Symphony Bar Pitch Book

I recently redesigned a Hershey’s Symphony bar, and you can read all about that process on my last blog post here! After creating the potential redesign of the packaging, I created a mock Redesign Pitch Book that could be presented to the company to pitch the...
Symphony Bar Redesign

Symphony Bar Redesign

For this project, I was asked to find a product that could use a design overhaul, if you will. I went to the store and wandered the aisles for a few minutes and found myself gravitated to the candy aisle. I think half the reason why I went down there was because I was...
The Language of Harry Potter

The Language of Harry Potter

I’ve loved Harry Potter since I was a little kid. I started reading the books when I was around 1st or 2nd grade, and I’ve been obsessed with them ever since. I try to reread the books every summer, I’ve seen the movies more times than I can count,...
The Final Frontier

The Final Frontier

This is it! The last project of the semester, and I have to say, I am really pleased to see how far I’ve gotten as an artist because of this class. This class and these projects have definitely pushed me, my skills, and my creativity, and I’ve had a lot of fun coming...